University of Hull
2022-Present: Lecture Masters Level Graduate Skills Course
2022-Present: Lecture second year Differential equations course
2022-Present: Organise and run MSc project course
2021-Present: Lectured first year probability and statistics
2021-2022: Lectured second year group and ring thoery
2021-2022: Develop Masters course curriculum
Macquarie University
2019-2021: Lectured third year partial differential equations
2019: Lectured first year first semester mathematics
2019-2021 Develop subjects for new Bachelor of mathematical science" degree
University of Cambridge
2016: Covered fourth year lecture on microswimmers for Prof. E. Lauga
2014-2018: Assistant supervisor for junior members of Prof. E. Lauga's group
2013-2018: Small group (2-3) teaching in Mathematics for Colleges
Univeristy of Melbourne
2010-2012: Class group (30) teaching for Physics department
2010-2012: First year laboratory demonstrator for Physics department
Visits and invited talks
2024: Invited member to “Environmental determinants of Lung Health” sandpit, Bioreme, Manchester, UK
2024: TSeminar to Mathematics at University of Dundee, Dundee, UK
2023: Seminar to Mathematics at Imperial College London, London, UK
2023: Applied Maths Seminar in Warwick University, Coventry, UK
2023: Laboratory visit to Physics University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
2023: Seminar to Fluid Dynamics Group, Energy and Environment institute, Hull, UK
2023: Mini-Symposium on Asymptotics in Active Matter, British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (BAMC), Bristol, UK
2023: Mini-Symposium on computational methods at low Reynolds number, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), Amsterdam, Netherlands
2022: Invited to Cell Motility in Dynamic Environments workshop, Bendigo, Australia
2022: Department of Mathematics, University of Birmingham, UK
2021: Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland
2021: Theory of Biological Systems Group, UNSW, NSW, Australia
2019: Bio-Inspired Motion Lab, USC, California, USA
2019: Department of Engineering, The University of Nevada, Reno, USA
2019: Mathematical biology group, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
2018: Anke Lindner and Oliva du Roure's lboratory, ESPCI Paris, Paris, France
2016: Ahmed Mourran's laboratory, DWI-Leibniz-Institut für Interaktive Materialien, RWTH, Aachen, Germany
2016: School of Phyiscs, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
2016: Ronan Daly's laboratory, FIAM, IfM, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
2011: John Sader's group, School of mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Contributed presentations
2023: Tubular-body theory, BAMC, Bristol, UK (Invited speaker)
2023: Tubular-body theory, SIAM Computational Science and Engineering Conference, Amsterdam (Invited speaker)
2022: A Swimming Sheet Model of Microscopic Filter Feeding, 9th world congress of Biomechanics 2022, Taipei
2022: Tubular-body Theory, 7th Warsaw School of Statistical Physics, Sandomierz, Poland
2022: Models for Microscopic Swimmers, Cell Motility in Dynamic Environments workshop, Australia (Invited speaker)
2022: Tubular-body Theory, TPJ80 Biological Fluids & Flows, Cambridge, UK
2020: Generalised Geometric swimming for Stokes flow, Talk and Session Chair, ANZIAM2020, Australia
2019: Generalised Geometric swimming for Stokes flow, Talk, 72nd APS DFD, USA
2019: The near and far of capillary rafts, Talk, ANZIAM2019, New Zeeland
2018: The boundary integral formulation of Stokes flows includes slender-body theory, Talk and Session Chair, EFMC 12, Austria
2017: The swimming of a perfect deforming helix, Talk and Session Chair, 70th APS DFD, USA
2017: The near and far of capillary rafts, Poster and Session Chair, Complex Motion in Fluids 2017, UK
2017: The near and far of capillary rafts, Poster, Georgetown active matter summer school, USA
2016: The motion of rigid ribbons, Talk, EFMC11 conference, Spain
2015: Slender-ribbon theory, Talk, the 68th Annual Meeting of the APS DFD, USA
2015: Slender-ribbon theory, Talk, DTU Summer School, Denmark
2015: Slender-ribbon theory, Talk, the 4th joint BMC/BMAC, Cambridge, UK
2014: The passive diffusion of Leptospira, 2nd year faculty presentation, Cambridge, UK
2011: Vortices in BECs, Masters completion seminar, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Other teaching
2022-present: Swing dance teacher with kingston swing
2014-2018: Swing dance teacher with Cambridge Lindy Hoppers
2007-2012: Private tuition to university entrance level mathematics students
2006-2010: Swimming Instructor and lifeguard